
81Jennie Rawling19873Hello everyone. I’m Jennie Rawling, and I’m a puppeteer, actor and writer living in Cornwall. I trained at East 15 Acting School and the Curious School of Puppetry.

For more about my creative work, including a link to my Spotlight profile, please go to https://jennierawling.com

Why I’m blogging:

I decided to start a blog several years ago to share my acting and writing journey with other people, plus it gives me somewhere to post my musings and writing so that people other than my mum might actually read them.

People fascinate and intrigue me with all their little quirks, habits, passions, fears, hopes and dreams, and I love to get inside the mind of a character when I’m acting or writing. I hope to share my creative process with anyone out there who is interested.

5 thoughts on “About

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